IELTS Speaking Test Cue Cards

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IELTS cue cards play a pivotal role in the speaking test, demanding a continuous speech delivery on a designated topic for 1-2 minutes. Passing this section exhibits your language capability and capacity to think and react quickly.

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  • Sample Answers: We provide sample answers for cue card topics, enhancing your understanding and providing insights into responding coherently and comprehensively.
  • Timed Practice: Duplicating the speaking test, we allow you to practice within time limits, setting you up for the actual test.
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IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

Title: 1 - Describe an activity you do to keep fit
Cue Points
  • - What the activity is
  • - When and where you usually do it
  • - How you do it
  • - Explain why it can keep your fit
  • I do a lot of things to stay healthy such as morning walk, yoga, cycling and so on but here I would like to talk about the morning walk.
  • Every day I get up early in the morning and go for morning walk.
  • I go with my grandfather, who is 95.
  • He has never missed his morning walk in his life.
  • In fact his secret of good health is the morning walk.
  • I joined him about a year ago and ever since I also have been very regular.
  • We go to a park near our home.
  • There is a jogging track in the park which is full of activity in those early morning hours.
  • My grandfather and I both wear our track suits and walking shoes while walking.
  • During our walk, my grandpa tells me a lot of stories.
  • He has a lot to tell and sometimes I am surprised at his memory.
  • Morning walk has a lot of benefits.
  • I used to be very fat, in fact a couch potato, but now I am very fit - all because of the walk and all because of my grandfather who made me do it.
  • Morning walk also improves the blood circulation.
  • It is a good exercise for all age groups.
  • The young can do a brisk walk and the elderly can do a leisurely stroll.
  • There is a laughter club in my home town.
  • Sometimes they too are there in the park at that time.
  • They come there to laugh out their stress and worries.
  • Their laughter is so infectious that when they laugh we also can't help laughing with them.
  • So a morning walk is the activity which I do to stay healthy.
Follow Up Questions
  • What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
    Answer: Old people do a lot to keep fit. They do yoga, go for walks, eat healthy food, avoid junk food and take proper food supplements.
  • What kinds of sports are popular in India?
    Answer: India is a diverse country. All types of sports are popular such as cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis and so on.
  • Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
    Answer: Yes, they should if they want to. However, they should do so under proper supervision and after undergoing proper training from licensed companies.
  • What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
    Answer: People can avoid fast foods and eat healthy and balanced diet.
  • What can parents do to make their children like sports?
    Answer: They can make them join sports classes. They can act as role models. If they themselves play outdoor sports, their children will automatically follow them. Even if they don’t play themselves, they can go out with their children and watch them play.
Title: 2 - Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
Cue Points
  • - What it is
  • - How it was broken
  • - How you got it repaired
  • - And how you felt about it
  • Nowadays I normally buy a newer model rather than getting old things repaired.
  • However recently our washing machine broke down and as it was under warranty we decided to get it repaired.
  • The machine just stopped working.
  • When we switched it the lights didn’t come on.
  • At first we thought that there might be a problem with the socket.
  • However when we plugged another electronic device into the socket it worked.
  • That's when we knew the machine was broken for sure.
  • I am not sure of the reason but I think it was voltage fluctuation.
  • It rained pretty heavily and due to the rain there was a voltage fluctuation in our area.
  • The fluctuation probably caused burned one of the electronic circuits in the machine.
  • We had purchased the machine just a few months before that incident so it was under warranty.
  • We called the company and they scheduled a technician visit to our house.
  • The repairman told us that the main circuit was burnt but he was also not sure what caused that.
  • He said that the part was made to order so ordered the part and told us that when he receives the part he will come again and replace it.
  • I thought it would be quick but it took a whole week.
  • Due to corona there were shipment delays.
  • Electronic equipments do break down.
  • So it wasn’t a big deal.
  • But the time we had to wait to get it repaired was much more than we had anticipated.
  • The repairman had warned us that it might take some time but even he didn’t think it would take a whole week.
  • The laundry just piled up and we just waited.
  • However one good thing that happened was that I took out some clothes that I hadn’t worn in a long time.
  • My favourite clothes were sitting in the laundry and I had no option.
  • Two days after the repairman came and fixed it we got an apology email from the company.
  • We all really appreciated that. I don’t think the company was at fault and yet they apologised.
Follow Up Questions
  • Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
    Answer: I don’t think they are valued more or less than other jobs. But yes the significance of IT jobs has increased in recent years as our dependence on technology has increased.
  • Is the quality of products worse than before?
    Answer: I definitely think the quality has fallen in recent years. This is based on my personal experience. The first refrigerator my parents bought still works fine but the ones we bought after that broke down after three-four years and this is true for nearly every electronic product. I think the technology is becoming more and more complex but that has taken a toll on product durability.
  • What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
    Answer: I think YouTube and Google have made it possible to repair anything and everything. Recently my mom fixed her sewing machine by watching a YouTube video. I have fixed my mobile phone and laptop many a times by just searching on google.
  • Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialised stores?
    Answer: I think the main reason is that they don’t want to void the phone’s warranty. I think most companies mention that if the phone is opened by non-registered technician or store the warranty would not be applicable. I think it is a tactic by companies to ensure that they can charge people heavily for parts which can be repaired cheaply.
Title: 3 - Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
Cue Points
  • - What kind of toy it is
  • - When you received it
  • - How you played it
  • - And how you felt about it
  • I had many toys in my childhood but here I am going to talk about my electric toy car.
  • My father gifted it to me on my 11th birthday.
  • I used to spend hours playing with it.
  • I was greatly fascinated by it
  • It was red in colour
  • It worked with four pen torch batteries fixed in a box under the car
  • When I switched it on it would move in all directions
  • If there was an obstacle on the way then the car could change directions
  • Along with that it had lights which flickered at times.
  • I was so fascinated by this car that I used to finish its batteries very soon.
  • I used to show it to my friends with pride.
  • None of my other friends had such a beautiful toy car.
  • I just loved it when I saw the jealous look in their eyes.
  • I remember once I took it to school in my bag.
  • When I came home I got a big spanking from my mother.
  • I was very possessive about my car and never used to let anyone touch it.
  • Even though I don’t play with the car any more I still have it in my room
  • Its colour has faded now but it has emotional value for me.
  • That is why I have never thought of giving it away to my younger cousins.
  • It brings back nostalgic memories of my childhood
Follow Up Questions
  • What is the difference between girls’ and boys’ toys?
    Answer: Traditionally girls used to like toys like dolls, kitchen sets, fairies, and butterflies. Boys normally preferred aggressive toys like guns, cars, and things to build and things which make a lot of noise. The other difference was that boys normally picked blue, brown, and green, while girls chose pink with a tinge of purple. These differences have been disappearing over the years.
  • Do you think toys really help in children’s development?
    Answer: Yes, toys play a big role in children’s development. They help to develop their motor and sensory skills and also their cognitive abilities. At the same time, they also lead to their social development, especially when they play with other children. Children also learn responsibility when parents ask them to properly store their toys.
  • Does modern technology have an influence on children’s toys?
    Answer: Yes, modern technology has a big influence on toys. Both the type of toys available and the children’s preferences for toys have changed over time. Today robots and app-controlled cars are more popular. Board games are becoming less and less popular. Simple action figures and dolls have also become much more detailed.
  • Have we lost our hand skills such as sewing?
    Answer: Sewing by hand has definitely become a thing of the past. Sewing machines have come up in a big way, but manual sewing machines are still used. These have a hand pedal or a foot pedal. My mother has a fully automatic computerized sewing machine, but she has to operate it herself when she sews.
Title: 4 - Describe a time when you were late
Cue Points
  • - When it was
  • - Why you were late
  • - How you felt about being late
  • I am a very punctual person and try to reach everywhere on time.
  • I got this habit from my father who is very disciplined and strict about being on time.
  • He always told me that if you are punctual it tells people that you are dependable.
  • If I have an appointment I take extra caution and try to reach at least 10 minutes before my appointment time.
  • But sometimes even giving myself this extra time has not helped and I have been late.
  • I remember being late to my best friend’s wedding.
  • My best friend ‘Ajay’ got married last year.
  • He is the first one to get married among my friends and we were all very excited.
  • Indian wedding ceremonies are very lavish and usually there are 2-3 functions before the ceremony.
  • A day before the wedding there had been a sangeet ceremony where we danced and partied till late night.
  • I was tired in the morning but woke up and got ready on time to be with my friend on his special day.
  • The wedding ceremony was in the Gurudwara on the outskirts of our city about 15kms from my home.
  • I had been there before with Ajay and he had given me directions that time.
  • I am bad with remembering directions and road names. I always rely on my cell phone’s map app.
  • On the wedding day I put the address in my phone and started from my home well on time.
  • After 40 minutes my mobile gps said that I had arrived at your destination but when I looked around there was no Gurudwara and just some old buildings there.
  • I realized that since the Gurudwara was new and away from the city the map app had not recognized the address and taken me to a different address.
  • I got out and asked around. Fortunately someone knew the exact location and told me the directions.
  • I had taken the wrong route and driven the opposite way.
  • I was so annoyed with myself for not paying attention.
  • I called another friend who was at the wedding and asked him to share his location in case I got lost again.
  • By the time I reached the ceremony had already started and about was half done.
  • I felt terrible about being late to my friend’s wedding. Till this day he teases me that I who is always punctual was late to his wedding.
Follow Up Questions
  • Are you ever late for anything?/ Are you a punctual person?
    Answer: No I am a very punctual person. I value time and am never late for anything unless it is due to some unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances.
  • What excuses do you use when you are late?
    Answer: I am usually not late for any meetings or appointments. However if at all I am getting late due to an unavoidable circumstance then I inform the person I am meeting beforehand. I don’t make excuses.
  • Why are people often late for appointments or meeting?
    Answer: I think its a problem with time management. For example, people often underestimate the time they need for something and they realise they need much more time when they start doing it. Moreover many people don’t consider being a little late to be wrong.
  • Do you think people are born with time management skills or they can be taught?
    Answer: I think time management is something we acquire over time. It's something we learn from our parents. If parents are punctual and strict on time, children also become punctual. Moreover it also has a cultural aspect. For example, Japanese people are generally very punctual.
  • How would you teach your children time management?
    Answer: Time management can be taught to children by helping them make a timetable and ensuring that they follow it. Also, children can learn easily from stories or movies which teach them a lesson about the importance of time and managing it well. The parents are role models for children and they should set a good example for their children.
  • Do old people and young people manage time in a similar way?
    Answer: No, old and young people do not manage their time the same way. Old people have more life experience and they understand the importance of time management better than the young generation. The young people may be too impulsive or impatient and may not understand the importance of planning ahead. Another difference is the way the younger generation manages time. They make more use of technology and the old people may use the traditional methods like a timetable or writing down a list of tasks.
Title: 5 - Describe a piece of good news you heard from others
Cue Points
  • - What it was
  • - When you received this news
  • - How you received this news
  • - Why you feel it was good news
  • In our day-to-day life we hear a lot of news from others.
  • Some are good and some are not so good
  • Here I would like to talk about news which I heard from my neighbours.
  • The news was that an international level sports stadium is going to open in my home town.
  • About six months ago as I was walking in a park near my home I saw some neighbours standing in a group and discussing something.
  • I joined them and came to know that they were talking about this stadium.
  • As it is the sports facilities in my hometown are not so good and the young people do not have a place to develop their sporting talent.
  • Many young people who are serious to do sports as a career have joined academies in Jalandhar and Phillaur.
  • If there will be such facilities locally then many more youngsters would be encouraged to do sports regularly.
  • I feel it is good news because we are leading sedentary lives.
  • There is hardly any physical activity.
  • Obesity has become a common problem among the people especially young children.
  • The youth is going towards drugs and other such vices.
  • An NGO run by some NRIs of my home town have donated two acres of land for this project.
  • Our local MLA has got the approval for this and is being very proactive for fetching funds for this project.
  • This stadium would have an underground car parking to accommodate 500 cars.
  • The construction work has already started.
  • The stadium would have a seating capacity of 5000.
  • It would have covered seating areas also.
  • There would be changing rooms for the sportsmen and washrooms for the public.
  • There would be drinking water facility at regular intervals.
  • There would also be surveillance cameras all over so that no untoward incidence happens.
  • If people know they are being watched then they refrain from doing anti-social things such as petty crime.
  • There would be lights run by solar energy.
  • The stadium would be so well lit even at nights that sports could be played there 24/7.
Follow Up Questions
  • How do people share good news?
    Answer: People share good news in many ways. They just tell each other face to face. They also use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp. They also call the other person and tell about any good news. They write e-mails also for this purpose.
  • Why do people share news on social media and is it good to share news on social media?
    Answer: Social media is a quick and time-saving platform for sharing news. People just have to post one message and it reaches a very wide audience instantaneously. I generally don’t see any harm in sharing something on social media. However, it should be done privately with one’s family and friends instead of publicly.
  • How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?
    Answer: It affects in many ways. It has made the delivery of information instant. You just update your status on Facebook or Whatsapp and all your friends and group members are reached at once.
  • Should the media only publish good news?
    Answer: Definitely not. I think it's important to publish both. Nowadays a lot of media just focuses on crime and disasters as they get them better TRP. Fair media should depict both the positive and negative stories - so that viewers can get a better image about what’s happening in the world.
  • When do people share good news?
    Answer: People share good news when they want their near and dear ones to know what good has happened to them. For example, if anyone becomes a parent he wants to share this news with everyone. If anyone buys a new home or a new car then he wants his friends and relatives to know about that. If anybody clears an exam or gets a new job he wants others to know about it.
  • What kinds of good news have you received before?
    Answer: I have received many kinds of good news. I received the good news that my cousin was blessed with a baby girl. I also received the good news that my cousin had topped in his class. I also received the good news that my friend had got a job in a multinational company.
Title: 6 - Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
Cue Points
  • - Where the place is
  • - When you visited
  • - Why the air was not good
  • - And explain how you felt about the place
  • Pollution is everywhere nowadays, and it’s difficult to find a place where the air is not polluted.
  • I would like to talk about New Delhi, a city I visited last year with my parents to visit some relatives.
  • There was a function in their house, so we went by train and then hired a three-wheeler.
  • As we were sitting in the auto, I started feeling a burning sensation in my eyes and my eyes started watering.
  • I looked at my parents and felt they were also experiencing the same.
  • We live in a small town in Punjab, where the air is much less polluted than in Delhi.
  • I noticed that the local people in Delhi were not having much problem, perhaps their eyes were used to that pollution.
  • When we reached our relatives' house, I washed my face with cold water and felt some relief.
  • My uncle told me that Delhi is probably one of the most polluted cities in India.
  • The main reason for this is the unplanned development of Delhi, with industrial units spread over residential and commercial areas.
  • Another reason for Delhi's air pollution is its landlocked geography, with the Himalayas obstructing the escape routes of air.
  • Stubble burning in Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan during the winter months causes a thick blanket of smog over Delhi.
  • Air pollution affects human health severely, with a higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis in more polluted areas.
  • I was happy that I was just visiting Delhi and not living there permanently.
  • I really feel pity for my relatives who permanently reside in Delhi.
Follow Up Questions
  • Is there more pollution now than in the past?
    Answer: Yes, there is more air pollution now than in the past. New industries are opening every day, and strict rules and regulations have not been laid down for effluent treatment. Industries are not planned well to be opened in designated areas, so all this development is leading to more air pollution now than in the past.
  • In what ways can the air pollution be reduced effectively?
    Answer: Many steps can be taken to reduce the level of air pollution. The government can lay down strict rules and regulations for effluent treatment. New industries should only be allowed to open in designated areas. It is not the responsibility of only the government but the people also to follow the rules and regulations nicely.
  • Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?
    Answer: I think the cities are dirtier than the countryside. The main reason is that all the development, the new industries, are opening in the cities. The industrialists do not follow the rules and regulations laid by the government nicely. Proper treatment of effluents is not done. Another reason is that the population of cities is more than the countryside. So more vehicles are there in the cities which are also adding to the pollution. Not only air pollution, but noise pollution is also more in the cities than the countryside. So for all these reasons, I feel that cities are more polluted than the countryside.
  • What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?
    Answer: Factories and power plants can do a lot to reduce pollution. The first thing they can do is follow the norms laid down by the government. For example, if the factory has a chimney, the height of the chimney can be increased according to government regulations. New industries should start with alternative sources of energy, whereas the older ones can switch to alternative sources of energy. These steps can go a long way in decreasing pollution.
  • Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?
    Answer: Yes, many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants. However, unfortunately, these industries find loopholes to escape the penalties, and so the steps taken by the government are not proving very effective. When companies pay fines, they start thinking that now they have the license to cause pollution.
  • Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution? How?
    Answer: Yes, I think the wind helps to disperse the pollutants. That is why, despite the high automobile population, Chennai has less pollution than in Delhi. This is because the sea breeze provides an effective entry and exit for dispersing pollutants. Delhi is landlocked, so the whole pollution accumulates there only.
Title: 7 - Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people
Cue Points
  • - What it was?
  • - Who you did it with?
  • - How long it took you to do this?
  • - And explain why you did it together?
  • One of the most memorable activities that I did with my school friends was a weekend camping trip.
  • We had been planning for this trip for weeks and we were all excited to finally be able to spend some quality time together in the great outdoors.
  • The trip started early on a Friday morning when we all met at a designated location to pack our gear and set off on our journey.
  • We had planned to camp at a nearby hill station called Kasauli and we had all brought our own tents, sleeping bags, and other essentials.
  • As we drove to the hill station, we chatted and laughed, eager to start our adventure.
  • Once we arrived at the hill station, we set up our campsite and started to explore the area.
  • We hiked through the forest, taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying the fresh air.
  • We stopped to have a picnic lunch by a stream and we even went swimming in a nearby lake.
  • The evenings were spent around the campfire, telling stories and roasting vegetables and meat.
  • We laughed and joked, and it was a great way to bond with each other.
  • We even played games and sang songs, the memories of that night are still fresh in my mind.
  • On the second day, we decided to go on a longer hike.
  • We set off early in the morning, and the hike was challenging but also very rewarding.
  • We were able to see some amazing views from the top of the mountain and we even came across a waterfall.
  • It was a great way to spend the day and we were all proud of ourselves for making it to the top.
  • On the last day, we packed up our gear and said goodbye to the beautiful campsite.
  • We all hugged each other and promised to do it again soon.
  • Overall, the camping trip was an unforgettable experience.
  • The reason why we did it together was that it was a great way for my friends and I to spend time together and to bond in a way that we never had before.
  • We were able to disconnect from the world for a little while and reconnect with each other and with nature.
  • It was a weekend filled with laughter, adventure, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Follow Up Questions
  • How do you get along with your neighbors?
    Answer: I have a very good relationship with my neighbors as I have known them for more than 10 years now. It almost feels like they are part of our family now as we spend a lot of time at each other’s place. We support each other during both good and bad times. Sometimes I think that our neighbors play a more important role in our lives as compared to our relatives.
  • How do neighbors help each other?
    Answer: Neighbors can help each other in a variety of ways such as by lending tools or household items, watching each other's homes when one is away, assisting with household repairs or projects, offering to take care of pets or children, and sharing gardening or cooking tips. They may also look out for one another's safety and well-being, and provide emotional support during difficult times. Additionally, neighbors may work together to improve the community through volunteerism or organizing neighborhood events.
  • Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?
    Answer: It's possible that neighbors may help each other more often in rural or suburban areas compared to urban areas. The reason being that in rural or suburban areas, neighbors may have a greater sense of community, and may be more likely to know each other personally, and therefore be more likely to offer help when needed. Additionally, in rural and suburban areas, people may have more opportunities to interact with each other, such as while working on shared projects or participating in community events.
  • How do children learn to cooperate with each other?
    Answer: Children learn to cooperate with each other through a combination of socialization, modeling, and direct teaching. For example, they can learn cooperation by playing with other children as they learn to share toys, take turns, and work together to achieve a common goal.
  • Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How?
    Answer: Yes, I believe that parents play a vital role in teaching children how to cooperate with others. Cooperation is an important life skill that is needed in a wide variety of contexts, such as in the family, at school, in the workplace, and in the community. Children learn by example, so when parents demonstrate cooperation and collaboration in their own relationships and daily activities, children will learn how to do the same. Parents can also provide opportunities for children to practice cooperation by setting up games and activities that require teamwork. Additionally, parents can teach children the importance of listening to others' ideas and opinions, compromising, and taking turns.
  • Do you think it's important for children to learn about cooperation?
    Answer: Yes, it is very important for children to learn about cooperation. Cooperation is a key social skill that is essential for success in many aspects of life. Children who learn to cooperate with others are more likely to develop positive relationships and achieve academic success.
Title: 8 - Describe something you received for free
Cue Points
  • - What it was
  • - Who you received it from
  • - Where you received it
  • - And how you felt about it
  • I have received many free things in my life but I would like to talk about a free coffee which I got on my birthday.
  • When I visit Delhi or Chandigarh I love to visit Starbucks as I love their coffee.
  • During one of my first few visits one of the salespersons in Starbucks told me to get a Starbucks Card as I am a regular coffee drinker.
  • She told me that the card was free and there are some amazing perks for regular coffee drinkers.
  • I was sceptical at first as there is no Starbucks in my city and I was wondering how many times would I actually drink one.
  • But after some persuasion by the salesgirl I got one nonetheless.
  • One of the benefits was a free coffee during the birthday month.
  • I didn’t know this.
  • So by chance I visited a Starbucks in June which is my birthday month.
  • When I was about to pay the salesperson asked me if I was due a free coffee because of my birthday month and should he make this order the free one.
  • I wasn’t expecting it but more than that I didn’t ask for it he offered it.
  • I then inquired whether it could be any coffee and if I could make modifications like adding whip cream.
  • When he said I told them to make it a mocha and add whip cream.
  • I normally don’t make these additions because their coffee is already very expensive.
  • I thought there would be no better opportunity to try it.
  • So I went for it.
  • I really enjoyed the coffee.
  • If I would have paid for it it would have cost me around Rs 400.
  • It wasn’t a big amount but it made me so happy like I had won a lottery.
  • That day I got a card made for my mother and my sister as well.
  • However then the salesperson told me that the free birthday month coffee is applicable only when we buy coffee worth Rs 5000 in a year.
  • I don’t think they will drink so much coffee but I have already started looking forward to next June and the next free coffee.
Follow Up Questions
  • Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?
    Answer: I definitely think that people should pay for higher education themselves. I think people should only go for higher education when they are really interested. Paying it for ourselves means- we do it only when we really want to. At the same time I also feel that government should provide scholarships and loans to poor students so that they don’t leave education because of money.
  • Is it good or bad for people to have a free education in the future?
    Answer: I think free primary education is good because everyone should get primary education but I think higher education should be paid for by the student themselves. Actually I don’t think it is possible for the government to fund higher education for everyone.
  • What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?
    Answer: In India I think companies give small gifts like pens calendars and cups etc to customers. They are free gifts for customers but in a way they are advertising for the company. Then there are also deals like buy one- get one free which are technically gifts but in a way - the prices factor in the free gift such that the company is still in profit.
  • Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?
    Answer: I think there is no better feeling than getting something for free. It is just human nature when we get something for free- we feel lucky. When we buy something we are always thinking whether we could have gotten something better for the same price whether we were cheated but when we get something for free we feel like we couldn’t get a better deal because what’s better than free.
Title: 9 - Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved
Cue Points
  • - What it is
  • - Why you haven't achieved it
  • - What you did
  • - And how you felt about it
  • I have many ambitions in my life.
  • But the one ambition that I am working on right now is to go for higher education in Canada.
  • Earlier I didn’t have any plans to go abroad but a conversation with a friend who went to Canada changed my opinion.
  • He told me about the difference in the quality of education and the work opportunities available there.
  • So after completing my senior secondary education I decided that it would be the best opportunity for me.
  • There are two main requisites to get admission in a good Canadian college.
  • The first is good grades in senior secondary education.
  • My grades are pretty satisfactory. So I didn’t have to worry about that.
  • The second is a good score in English language tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
  • I learned that Canadian colleges give preference to IELTS and hence I am taking the IELTS exam.
  • For the past two-three months I have been practicing for the exam.
  • I ordered the Cambridge books and started my preparation from them.
  • There is a lot of free material available on the internet.
  • So I used that to prepare myself.
  • I used to practice for about 8 hours every day.
  • I used to try to cover every IELTS module twice.
  • For listening and reading I didn’t need much help.
  • I just practised the test papers and looked at my mistakes after that so I don’t repeat them.
  • For speaking and writing I joined a coaching institute and their teachers helped me a lot.
  • I hope to get good bands so I can move ahead to the next step which is to apply for an offer letter from a Canadian College.
  • I don’t think it has been an easy journey.
  • English is not my first language and I have had to practise really hard.
  • But I hope the fruits of the efforts will definitely be worth the struggle.
Follow Up Questions
  • What ambitions do children usually have?
    Answer: Children have many ambitions. The first ambition is mainly about the profession - in childhood everyone has an ambition to do something noble like becoming a doctor or do something exciting like becoming a pilot or an astronaut. Then children also have an ambition of earning huge amounts of money.
  • Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
    Answer: I think it’s just a part of their nature. They are ambitious because they want to grow and achieve something in their life. They want to be known for their work.
  • Why don't some people have dreams?
    Answer: I think everyone has certain dreams. It’s just that some people are too lazy to work for their dreams. On the other hand, there are others who can do anything for their dreams and it shows.
  • How do people balance work and life?
    Answer: I think everyone does it in their own way. My mother switches off her work mobile phone after 5 PM. Some people do it by taking regular breaks when they only focus on their family. I think it is something almost every person tries to do and fails. In recent years even governments are taking steps like limiting work hours so people are able to do so.
Title: 10 - Describe a daily routine that you enjoy
Cue Points
  • - What it is
  • - Where and when you do it
  • - Who do you do it with
  • - Explain why you enjoy it
  • I have many routines that I do every day such as taking a bath, preparing breakfast for myself and sometimes my parents, going for a walk, studying, going to the gurdwara, and so on.
  • Here I would like to talk about a daily routine that I really enjoy and look forward to.
  • It is doing a 3-mile walk at home with Leslie Sansone.
  • Leslie has her own walk at home app in which she has these daily walks for people of all age groups.
  • My aunt told me about it.
  • I used to go for a morning walk but could not go when it was too hot or too cold or raining outside.
  • So my routine was broken.
  • I have been doing this walk daily for the last 1 year.
  • I have the app on my phone but I prefer to open the webpage on my laptop as the screen is bigger.
  • Sometimes my mother joins me in the walk.
  • We do it in our living room as it is very spacious.
  • I enjoy it because it gives me a feeling that I have done something for my body.
  • I used to be a bit overweight but now I have lost around 5 kg and my body shape also looks and feels much better.
  • Earlier I used to feel lazy and tired but now I feel much energetic and healthier.
  • I also suffered from insomnia and would toss and turn in bed for a long time before I actually fell asleep.
  • Now I am asleep within minutes of touching my head on the pillow.
  • Because of a good night’s sleep, I have more concentration in my studies too.
  • This walk can be done any time of the day but I like to start my day with it.
  • Sometimes if my morning is busy I do it in the afternoon or evening.
  • There are many other walking routines on the net but I like walking with Leslie the most.
  • She adds upper body and abs exercises with the walk and that helps tone up the whole body.
Follow Up Questions
  • Should children have learning routines?
    Answer: Yes, of course, they should have learning routines. These add discipline to life. When children follow routines they learn to manage time. I believe all routines teach something so can be a learning experience. For example, a simple routine of a family meal can teach children many things when they share their day's happenings with their parents. They learn many social skills and develop a bond with their family. A routine of going to bed in time can develop children’s mental health.
  • What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
    Answer: There are many advantages of having routines at school. It gives students a predictable day at school. So they feel more confident and secure. It also saves time. They don’t have to ask questions about what to do next. Teachers have already streamlined things for them. It becomes easier for students to become focused and attentive.
  • Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?
    Answer: Definitely yes. For younger children, a routine engages them in learning and helps them feel safe in their environment while it helps older children know what to expect and feel more comfortable. This is why classroom routines are important. Routines in the classroom make class time more enjoyable and productive. They offer students a sense of stability. By having classroom rules and procedures that teachers set their students will know their expectations.
  • How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?
    Answer: Weekdays and weekends are totally different so their routines are also different. Weekday routines are good but on weekends people can afford some flexibility. Of course, a person should also plan weekends otherwise they will disappear without giving you any time for fun and relaxation. A weekend should relax a person after a busy week and also set him up for a successful week ahead. The weekend should incorporate family time, cinema time, outing time, socializing time, and all what cannot be done on weekdays.
  • What daily routines people have at home?
    Answer: People have daily routines like a family meal, a morning prayer, doing household chores together, and so on. Every family has their own routines set up which make things easier for all members. For example, in my family, my father buys vegetables, fruits, and grocery while my mother does the cooking and laundry. My father checks if all doors, windows, and the main gate are locked before going to bed. I take my dogs out for a walk twice a day. These routines are more or less fixed.
  • What are the differences in people’s daily routines now and 15 years ago?
    Answer: Life was slower and simpler in the past. People spent less time on social networking sites than in the past so they had more time to socialize. Routines included being with other people. Today’s routines are more about spending time with oneself and technology.
Title: 11 - Describe a creative person whose work you admire
Cue Points
  • - Who he/she is
  • - How do you know him/her
  • - What creative things he/she has done
  • - And explain why you think he or she is creative
  • I think every person has some creative ability in him or her
  • Some people show creativity in the kitchensome in their kitchen gardens some people show their creativity in decorating their house some people are creative in the drawings or paintings they do and some show creativity in the way they dress up.
  • Here I would like to talk about a creative person who is my best friend Saloni’s mother
  • Her name is Ramanpreet and she is in her early fifties.
  • She’s always making something out of waste things that we throw away.
  • Whenever I go to her house she’s always making something or the other.
  • Saloni tells me that she never sits idle
  • She always has a project in her hands
  • She has made many things out of waste papers.
  • I’ve seen beautiful decoration pieces made of 3-D origami which her mother has made and they look spectacular
  • I go to my friend’s house very often and every time I see something new.
  • Last time I went she was making tote bags out of old clothes.
  • The tote bag she was making looked superb and was very sturdy
  • Her mother told me once that the making tote bags out of old clothes is in fact upcycling old clothes and not recycling old clothes because the tote bags are used almost every day.
  • She has gifted many tote bags to her relatives and friends and everyone uses them every single day
  • Now that single use plastics have been banned everyone should get a tote bag while going to the market
  • I have also learnt many things from Saloni’s mother
  • I used to admire Saloni for her creativity but I realise that all the creativity has come from her mother.
  • I think Saloni’s mother is very creative because she can put just anything at home to use.
  • She has made flowerpots from old used bottles and oil cans
  • Her whole house is decorated with beautiful things and none of these have been bought from the market
  • All these things are the result of her mother's creativity.
Follow Up Questions
  • Do you think you are a creative person?
    Answer: Yes I am a creative person but all my creativity is for myself only. Every day I creatively mix and match my old dresses and make them look new. I also like to make pencil sketches out of my imagination and create different characters.
  • Is it good for children to learn arts?
    Answer: Yes it is very good for children to learn arts. Arts bring out their creativity and breaks the monotony of tough academic studies. Arts also keep children in touch with their culture and tradition.
  • What kind of jobs require people to be creative?
    Answer: I think all jobs require people to be creative. If people are not creative then their job may become dull and boring after just a few days. If any job has to be done over and over again then some element of creativity has to be added to it. For example an engineer needs to think of new ways to do things the plumber needs to learn new things every day to make his work better and simpler a carpenter needs to learn new ways of doing things that can add grace to his work a teacher has to bring up innovative methods to teach so that children don’t get bored
  • Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?
    Answer: Yes I think leaders need to have creative ability. If they are not creative people then stop following them as they would appear boring to them but if they add creativity to their work to their talk to the way they do things then they will keep having followers.
Title: 12 - Describe a famous person that you are interested in
Cue Points
  • - Who this person is
  • - How you know about this person
  • - What sort of life they had before they became famous
  • - How this person became famous
  • - And explain why you like this person
  • I would like to meet many famous people but here I am going to talk about India’s EX Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
  • A person I admire the most is our ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
  • He was born in Gah village located in Punjab province of Pakistan and was the first Sikh Prime Minister of India.
  • He is a dynamic and development-oriented leader.
  • He served as a member of the parliament representing the state of Assam in the Upper House of the Parliament.
  • He had been the member of parliament for five consecutive terms.
  • The reason why I admire him is that his life shows how an ordinary boy from a deprived(poor) class could reach the highest levels of the nation.
  • It is all because of his hard work and determination.
  • During his tenure as fiancé minister in the 1990’s he opened up India’s economy to Foreign investments which helped a lot in India’s economic growth
  • He is one of the most influential architects of India's socialist economy and helped it to became a capitalistic one.
  • I believe he helped establish India’s presence among the developed nations.
  • He is also famous for the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement which gave India access to nuclear fuel and technology.
  • His focus on development eye for detail and efforts to bring a qualitative difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor have made him a popular and respected leader across.
  • He is a role model for one and all.
  • I would like to meet him and seek his blessings.
  • I would like to get his autograph.
  • Every country needs people like him to take their nation to the top.
Follow Up Questions
  • What type of people are famous in your country?
    Answer: In my country cricketers very famous Bollywood stars are very famous and at the same time some people who have an outstanding achievement or have accomplished something in life become public figures. Most of these people are role models and many people dream of becoming like them. So people who can attract large crowds become famous in my country.
  • How do people become famous nowadays?
    Answer: People become famous when they have achieved something that other common people have not done so far. Some of the movie stars are very famous because they have a box office hit. Some singers are famous because of their singing talent. Politicians become famous for their oratory skills. There is another category of famous people that become famous among people by their wrong deeds.
  • What is the difference between people who were famous earlier and who are famous now?
    Answer: A few decades ago people were famous who had achieved something or had hit upon an invention. Some people were famous for their sacrifice or for their giving nature for example Mother Teresa. Nowadays many people are famous just because they are children of famous people their dressing sense or singing talents.
  • What qualities do famous people have in common
    Answer: All the famous people have a public appeal they have a talent or charm that can attract crowds. Some famous people are very intelligent like the famous mathematician Shakuntala Devi. But one thing is sure a famous person must always be humble and grounded only then he will retain the fame.
  • What do you think about nepotism amongst the famous people
    Answer: Nepotism is a practice to use power to favour their near and dear ones. Recently nepotism debate was ignited in the Bollywood after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Basically nepotism was always present among the famous people because many politicians or celebrities wanted to use their influence and give a platform to their children to achieve success. Even in the ancient times the kings and the Nawabs used to have their near and dear ones on the highchairs So nepotism was always present wherever there was fame
Title: 13 - Describe a person you would like to study or work with
Cue Points
  • - Who is that person?
  • - Why would you like to study with him/her?
  • - What will you study?
  • I normally study alone as I find it hard to study with someone else.
  • However there are times when I don’t feel like studying and it helps if someone can motivate me.
  • Moreover there are subjects like history which I find really boring to study alone.
  • In these cases I do prefer studying with someone else.
  • I had a classmate Yash in 10th standard and many of my friends told me that he was a very good study partner.
  • So if I do get a chance I would like to study with him.
  • He has many unique qualities.
  • First he has a very good grasping power so he was always able to understand things really quickly.
  • He is also very patient. I have heard from friends that he can sit and explain things for hours.
  • One of my major problems in studying has been my inability to memorise facts and figures and he is very good with mnemonics which I feel like can be really helpful for me.
  • I remember in school days he made a mnemonic for the first twenty elements of the periodic table and it became so popular in the school.
  • Everyone used it and that’s why perhaps my entire class found chemistry very easy.
  • That’s one more reason I would like to study with him. He is willing to share his knowledge.
  • I have heard him saying many things in class that the best way to increase one’s knowledge is to share knowledge.
  • At the moment he is doing masters in economics in Canada.
  • He is at the same college I am interested in attending.
  • Hopefully I would get a chance to meet him there and study something together.
Follow Up Questions
  • What kind of people do you like to study or work with?
    Answer: I like to study or work with people who are intelligent, cooperative, and helpful. Moreover, I don’t like procrastination so I avoid working with people who don’t follow deadlines.
  • Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?
    Answer: Yes, they can. But the subordinates must realise that such a friendship can be affected if they become complacent at their work because of their friendship.
  • Which one is more important for you at work: development in work-related skills or the recognitions from your supervisor?
    Answer: Both are equally important for me. Development in work skills is very essential to progress and get promotions at work. Recognition from supervisors gives me the impetus to work even harder.
  • Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with or should it be decided by the teacher?
    Answer: In the primary classes, it should be decided by the teachers because the teacher will know better which students could be more helpful for each other if made to sit together. In senior classes, children can figure out for themselves about whom to sit with.
  • Should children be involved in management activities of the school?
    Answer: I believe that they should be. They feel important and they learn confidence. They can voice out their problems and help the school authorities find answers for them.
  • How should one behave in office to get along well with others?
    Answer: One should behave nicely. One should be polite to others and cooperate with them. One should not do leg-pulling of other colleagues.
  • Is it important for children in school to get along well with others?
    Answer: Yes, it is very important for children to get along well with others. If children learn how to get along with their peers at school, they will learn how to get along with others in life when they are older.
Title: 14 - Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading
Cue Points
  • - When you read it
  • - What kind of book it is
  • - What it is about
  • - And explain why you think it is exciting
  • I read a lot of books.
  • However the very first book that I read is also one that I still enjoy reading a lot.
  • It is none other than the first book of the Harry Potter series ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’.
  • It was gifted to me by my mother on my 10th birthday.
  • Initially I was really mad at her because I wanted a recently released video game.
  • She told me that she would get me the video game as well but if I gave the book a chance first.
  • So I reluctantly picked up the book and started reading.
  • I read just 10 pages and I was hooked.
  • I remember I used the word unputdownable to describe the book to one of my friends a few days later.
  • I started at 9 PM at night and I finally slept at 7 AM the next morning after finishing the last page.
  • Fortunately it was the summer vacation or my parents would have taken the book away from me at night and made me go to bed.
  • Harry Potter needs no introduction - it is a story about magic a story of good vs evil.
  • However for me it is also a coming-of-age story.
  • It is a story about a boy becoming a man.
  • Everything about the book is perfect the world setting the characterisation the magic system.
  • More than that the book isn’t afraid of pulling punches.
  • When the protagonist falls into a pit he doesn’t come out unscathed he gets hurt just like a normal human being.
  • Good characters die they lose the road to victory isn’t a straight one.
  • Every fantasy book is about good vs evil but the exciting books are those where you cannot predict what would happen next and Harry Potter is one of the best examples of that.
  • And in the end it would always be the book that got me into the habit of reading.
  • So it will always hold a special place in my heart.
  • Even now I randomly pick up the book once a month and read two three chapters.
  • And I don’t know why but there is always something I feel that I hadn’t read before.
Follow Up Questions
  • Do you prefer books or movies?
    Answer: I think movies can never capture the detail and the emotions that books can. So I always prefer reading books to watching movies. But then again it’s not easy to find time to read books. So sometimes I still watch movies.
  • Do you think it is important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?
    Answer: No not really. Some movie adaptations are really good. A lot of my friends haven’t read the Game of Throne series but they still enjoyed the TV adaptation. Ultimately it’s the person’s preference and availability of time.
  • Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?
    Answer: I have seen some differences in the magazines boys and girls read. For example I have seen a lot of girls reading fashion magazines and very rarely in the case of boys. However in the case of books I don’t think there is any particular difference.
  • What kind of books do Indian people like to read?
    Answer: I think reading preference doesn’t depend upon nationality. It depends upon personal preference and the book itself. For example Harry Potter is famous all over the world because it is a fabulous book. I think it was meant for children but I have seen a lot of adults calling themselves Potterheads.
Title: 15 - Describe an advertisement that you don’t like
Cue Points
  • - When did you see it?
  • - What is it about?
  • - Where you saw it/how you came to know about it?
  • - Why you didn’t like it
  • Well I generally don’t like to watch a lot of advertisements because I think they are a waste of time.
  • Although some ads are funny and informative but then there are some ads which can really annoy or irritate people.
  • And today I would like to talk about one such advertisement which I really dislike whenever it’s on air.
  • It is the ad of a toilet cleaner and it’s run time is about 45 seconds
  • What happens in this advertisement is that a TV show host visits four to five different households and asks the house owners about the cleanliness level of their toilets.
  • Most of the people say that their toilets are clean but then he insists on seeing them.
  • Next the camera zooms on to the actual toilet seats which are very dirty and have yellow/ dark brown stains on them.
  • The host then recommends the blue coloured toilet cleaner and applies it to the dirty toilet seats
  • After this the toilets are shown as sparkling clean just like a brand new toilet.
  • Now there are two main reasons why I hate this advertisement.
  • First is obviously the dirty toilets seats being shown on television.
  • I think it would give nausea to anyone watching it.
  • The second and the worst part about this ad is its timing.
  • Normally I watch the television while having my food i.e. during Lunch or Dinner and this is the time when they show this ad repeatedly.
  • It makes me feel so disgusted and I am not able to eat my food after watching this ad.
  • Nowadays this ad is being shown on youtube as well and I always do skip ad whenever it comes online.
  • I wish there should be a method that should allow the viewers to choose the type of ads they would like to see.
Follow Up Questions
  • Why do some people hate advertisements?
    Answer: People do not like advertisements while they are watching a program because ads break the continuity. Another annoying factor is that most of the ads are very repetitive and there is nothing new. But the fact remains that if there are no advertising agencies to sponsor the programs we will not be able to watch good programs.
  • Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?
    Answer: Yes definitely many people buy the products after they watch an ad. Many of the advertisements are very innovative as well as informative these these days. An advert can lure a wide range of people from small children to the senior citizens.
  • Is music useful in advertising?
    Answer: Yes music adds life to the ad. Music can add meaning to anything and so music is useful in ads. For example some jingles keep ringing in your ears even after the ad is over. So the purpose of ad is fulfilled.
  • What are advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?
    Answer: TV ads have both audio and video component. So these give visual reminders of the products and that is what sells the products.Internet adds can be skipped and it is optional and upto the user whether to view them or not.
  • Where usually do we see adverts?
    Answer: We see ads all around us – on TV on radio on roadsides in newspapers in magazines on the internet on phones and as flyers.
  • Are there any advertisements at school?
    Answer: Sometimes supermarkets and fast food outlets give money to schools and open their outlets in schools. This is a way of advertising their products.
  • Are there some inappropriate adverts like that of a condom?
    Answer: There are some inappropriate ads like the ad of some perfumes which imply that if a boy wears that perfume girls will flock around him and the ads of some drinks like coke and pepsi. The ad of condoms is not inappropriate in my opinion. It is an important step in sex education.
  • Why does the government allow such ads?
    Answer: Government allows such ads because these ads spend a lot which boosts the economy. Not only does the government earn the people working in these ads also earn a lot.
  • Do you think it is bad for children?
    Answer: Yes I think it is bad for children. Children are very impressionable and they can be easily influenced by these ads. For example if they see an ad of a toy they will pester their parents to buy it for them. Moreover some ads are not appropriate for children. For example ads of alcohol and cigarettes.
Title: 16 - Describe a website which helped you to do something
Cue Points
  • - Which site is it?
  • - How did you know about it
  • - How it helped
  • - Why do you visit it often
  • I surf the internet very often, in fact daily.
  • There are many websites which help us to do many things.
  • Here I would like to talk about a website through which you can find videos to do almost anything.
  • It is
  • Whenever I have to do something which I have not done before, I search a video on this site and there are many to choose from.
  • My friend sent me a video of 3D origami once, and I was amazed to see the clear instructions.
  • It has helped me in many ways.
  • I have done many school assignments with the help of YouTube videos.
  • If I like any channel on YouTube, I subscribe to it and then get that channel’s updates in my email.
  • Recently I baked a cake by watching a YouTube video.
  • It turned out perfect. It was an eggless chocolate cake.
  • I bought all the ingredients such as self-raising flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, condensed milk, vanilla extract.
  • Once my mother was not at home, I made rice by watching a video.
  • That too turned out perfect.
  • Videos are better than oral or written instructions.
  • So this is the website which has helped me many times to do something.
Follow Up Questions
  • What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country?
    Answer: The most popular apps in my country are social media apps like Facebook and Instagram, along with Google as a search engine and YouTube for watching videos. The least popular apps are not well-known.
  • What is the difference between the internet and TV?
    Answer: The main difference is the choice in selecting what to watch or read about on the internet, which is more open-ended than TV. The internet is also more interactive, allowing users to express themselves, like posting reviews and rating movies.
  • Why do some people like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?
    Answer: People can directly search for the news they are interested in on the internet, like moving directly to the sports section. They can also read the news in detail along with watching videos.
  • Are libraries still beneficial?
    Answer: Libraries are beneficial as they provide a quiet environment for people to sit and concentrate. They offer a collection of books and are important in the context of increasing noise in the world.
  • What kinds of people still like to go to the library to study?
    Answer: People who find it hard to concentrate at home or need a peaceful environment, and those who find looking at the computer screen straining, still go to the library.
  • What is the difference between the old and young in regards to internet use?
    Answer: Young people are more comfortable using the internet, as they were born with it and know its ins and outs. They use it for various purposes, while older people are limited to specific areas like banking or online shopping.
  • Can the internet help children in their study?
    Answer: Definitely. The internet is an ocean of knowledge. Children can use many educational sites for their studies.
  • Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?
    Answer: Yes, it can affect the sale of music and movies. While it cannot be stopped completely, it has also made many amateur singers and actors famous overnight.
Title: 17 - Describe an actor or actress whom you admire
Cue Points
  • - Who he/she is
  • - What he/she looks like
  • - What kind of movies he/she appears in
  • - And explain why you admire this actor/actress
  • I am very fond of watching movies and TV series.
  • And I admire all those actors and actresses who live their roles.
  • Here I will talk about one actor Pankaj Tripathi who has really impressed me with his acting.
  • In all the roles he has played it looks like he is the actual character and is just living his role.
  • I saw a movie Kaagaz in which he is a wedding bandmaster and really looks like one.
  • Another movie in which he has a lead role is Sherdil.
  • Then I happened to watch a crime TV series Criminal justice on Hotstar.
  • He has done the role of a lawyer in this series and has given a stellar performance.
  • Another TV series ‘Mirzapur’ on Amazon Prime where he plays a Mafia don is worth watching.
  • He is tall fair and must be in his mid-forties.
  • He did minor roles in many movies but he came into the limelight after the movie Gangs of Wasseypur in which he played a negative role.
  • I didn’t know much about him apart from his role in these movies and TV series but recently I read his interview in the Times of India newspaper.
  • He has a very humble background.
  • He struggled a lot to get noticed as an actor.
  • He said that he came to Mumbai in 2004 but no one noticed him before the Gangs of Wasseypur happened in 2012.
  • Now whenever I watch any old movie in which he has even a tiny role I feel like watching the movie to the end because of his role.
  • He has done all sorts of roles and has added life to all the characters he has played.
  • Many of his movies have been big hits and he has made a place for himself in Bollywood.
  • He has also acted in some Tamil films.
  • Pankaj Tripathi is just fabulous and deserves all the success.
Follow Up Questions
  • Are actors or actresses very interested in the work? Why?
    Answer: Yes I believe actors and actresses are very interested in their work because if they were not interested then they would not put their heart and soul into acting and then they would not be successful in their life.
  • Is being a professional actor or actress a good career?
    Answer: Yes I believe being a professional actor or actress is a good career. If one is successful one can earn much more than in any other profession. However I also believe that it is a very demanding profession. It requires total dedication and perseverance. Only then can an actor or actress survive in today’s era of cutthroat competition.
  • What can children learn from acting?
    Answer: Children can learn a lot from acting. Firstly it builds confidence. While acting they interact with people of all ages and so it also builds social skills. It also improves their public speaking skills which are very important in adult life. Acting also teaches them discipline and patience. Children have to memorize lines and so it also sharpens their memory.
  • Why do children like special costumes?
    Answer: Children like special costumes because it makes them enter a world of fantasy and they imagine situations around those costumes which increases their creativity and give them happiness.
  • What are the differences between actors or actresses who earn much and those who earn little?
    Answer: Actors who earn much enjoy name fame and a world of luxury whereas those who earn little suffer from frustration and depression and also may have suicidal tendencies
  • What are the differences between acting in the theatre and that in the film?
    Answer: Acting in the theatre and that in the film is totally different. In theatre performance actors have just one chance to get it right. There are no retakes. Secondly the distance between the audience and the actor is much more in theatre acting. So actors have to exaggerate facial expressions and gestures so that every audience member can see what’s going on. However in films the camera can get extremely close to the actor which closes the gap between the audience and the actors. So actors on film must use subtle controlled and natural expressions and body language. Finally stage actors must deliver the same performance with new energy each time they perform.
Title: 18 - Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully
Cue Points
  • - What the event was
  • - How you prepared for it
  • - Who helped you to organize it
  • - And explain why you think it was a successful event
  • I love to organise events.
  • On July 16th last year it was my mother’s 50th birthday and I wanted to do something special for her.
  • However due to the pandemic most celebrations were forbidden.
  • We were all cooped up inside our houses.
  • I decided to give her a surprise online party.
  • I asked my sister for advice on how we can make it special.
  • We have a large family and we asked everyone in the family all our cousins, uncles, and aunts to record something for my mother.
  • It could be anything there were no restrictions.
  • One of my cousins recorded a dance performance, an uncle wrote a beautiful poem, my grandpa sang a beautiful song in Gujrati.
  • After receiving all the videos we combined them into one big video.
  • It was not easy though we had to send reminders and message some of my aunts and uncles again and again.
  • Some even sent it one day before the birthday but they all finally did it.
  • Moreover, It was all hard to remind them to keep it a secret.
  • We were sure one of our aunts or uncles would spill the beans.
  • Thankfully no one did.
  • Then we organised a special get together on zoom for the family.
  • This was also hard because some of our relatives live in a different time zone.
  • We wanted to choose a time everyone could be available.
  • Here we failed to some extent but some of our relatives couldn’t be online at that time.
  • The birthday fell on a weekday so it was just not possible.
  • On her birthday I ordered her favourite- truffle cake.
  • And then when everyone joined the zoom meeting I handed my mom the phone and told her someone wants to wish her a happy birthday.
  • She was shocked to see all the family on the meeting.
  • Then she cut the cake while I held the phone and everyone wished her happy birthday.
  • Finally for the big reveal we played the video on the TV and recorded her reactions while watching the video and we telecast it on the meeting on a split-screen.
  • One screen showing her reactions and the other showing the video.
  • My mother had happy tears in her eyes by the end of it all and I think that alone made it a successful event.
  • However others told me it was such wonderfully organised and it was so nice meeting everyone online. Even after the video was over everyone stayed on the meeting and we kept on talking and discussing everyday life.
Follow Up Questions
  • How can parents help children to be organized?
    Answer: Parents should have a daily schedule for their children, allotting each task a fixed amount of time. Writing tasks on the calendar with expected timeframes and implementing rewards and punishments for task completion can also help.
  • On what occasions do people need to be organized?
    Answer: People should strive to be organized all the time, as it saves time, speeds up tasks, and creates a good impression on others.
  • Does everything need to be well prepared?
    Answer: Important things should be well prepared, but minor details can be left flexible. Like a speech, prepare main ideas but allow for changes in minor details.
  • Do people need others' help when organizing things?
    Answer: The need for help depends on the task. Big events like weddings require a team, but smaller events like a family get-together can be organized by an individual.
Title: 19 - Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.
Cue Points
  • - What you taught him/her?
  • - When it was?
  • - How long it was for?
  • - And explain how you felt about it.
  • My sister lives in the US.
  • Last summer, she and her children visited us in India during the summer vacations.
  • Both her children, my niece and nephew, are quite inquisitive and always keen on learning something new.
  • One day, they saw me playing chess online and immediately developed an interest in chess.
  • They requested me to teach them.
  • They visit India very rarely, so I thought it would be a nice way to spend some quality time with them.
  • They were visiting for 2 months, so we had plenty of time.
  • I started with the basics and explained how each chess piece moved.
  • With time, I covered some of the complex mechanics like castling and en passant.
  • I also bought them a membership at so they could practice alone when I was busy.
  • The website has nice puzzles which teach how to think in difficult positions.
  • They played against computer bots and other players.
  • Chess is about practice, and the more they played different players, the more they learnt.
  • They were very quick to pick up things, and by the end of two months, they had also beaten me two or three times.
  • In fact, I also learnt a few special moves from them.
  • It was a very fulfilling experience overall.
  • I think it was the first time I taught someone something.
  • I felt very proud when they picked up things, and them beating me was icing on the cake.
  • I lost as a player, but I succeeded as a teacher.
Follow Up Questions
  • What are things that young people can teach old people to do?
    Answer: Young people can teach old people many things they are good at, especially the use of technology like mobile phone features, apps, and computer software.
  • What skills can young people teach the old besides technology?
    Answer: Young people can teach older individuals the ability to change and adapt. They can help them overcome hesitancy and unwillingness to take risks, which are necessary in today's world.
  • Why older people have problems in learning new things?
    Answer: Older people may have difficulties learning new things due to memory deterioration. For instance, they may forget previous steps when learning, but can pick up again with repetition.
  • Do you think showing is a better way than telling during education?
    Answer: Yes, showing is often a better method than telling in education. Visual memory tends to be stronger, and showing reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings that can arise from verbal explanations.
  • Do you think constant training is important for people to study something?
    Answer: Constant training is crucial for success in any field. Practice helps people become experts, as exemplified by spending 1200 hours on a subject to gain proficiency.
  • How can the young teach the old?
    Answer: The best way for young people to teach the old is by showing them how to do things rather than just telling them. Patience is key, as older individuals may take more time to learn.
Title: 20 - Describe a place where there was a lot of noise
Cue Points
  • - When this happened?
  • - Where it was?
  • - Why there was a lot of noise
  • - Explain what you did when you heard the noise
  • Noise pollution has become an inevitable part of our life.
  • Here I’m going to talk about a situation when there was too much noise.
  • A religious function which we call jagrata or jagran was held last Sunday in my neighborhood.
  • In such functions people sing hymns and chants in praise of Gods and Goddesses the whole night long.
  • The function started at 8 PM and went up to 5 AM.
  • There is a law against using loudspeakers after 10 PM but people don’t abide by the law in the name of religion.
  • I was not able to sleep the whole night.
  • I closed all windows of my house to reduce that sound but it did not make any difference.
  • Then I put earplugs in my ears but that too did not work.
  • I am not against any religious event but I’m definitely against using loud speakers after 10 PM.
  • Such laws should be implemented more strictly and I believe that the use of pressure horns also must be restricted.
  • Noise pollution has a negative effect on our mental health as well as physical health.
  • It can lead to hearing impairment, fatigue, heart problems, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and so on.
  • It can also reduce the work efficiency.
  • I hope we all realize the menace of noise pollution and do our bit to reduce it from our lives
Follow Up Questions
  • Is noise pollution serious in India?
    Answer: Yes, it is. We have noise all around us, most of which can be avoided. There is unnecessary honking of pressure horns from vehicles, industries making noise, and people using loudspeakers for personal functions, forcing neighbors to bear the noise.
  • Do you like to live in a noisy place?
    Answer: No, definitely not. But unfortunately, it is difficult to find places in cities which are noise free.
  • Do you like to go to noisy places?
    Answer: Once in a while, I like to attend parties and functions where DJ is playing loud music, and I can dance and enjoy with my friends and relatives.
  • Where can you hear a loud noise?
    Answer: We can hear loud noise all around us. There is unnecessary honking of pressure horns from vehicles, industries making noise, and people using loudspeakers for personal functions, forcing neighbors to bear the noise.
  • Do you think that there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
    Answer: Yes, I think so. The number of vehicles is growing day by day, all making noise. Industries are also growing in numbers and making too much noise. As these sources of noise increase, we are suffering from more and more noise.
  • Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
    Answer: Yes, I suppose so. Whether we like it or not, the noise-producing things are increasing, so it is quite probable that cities will become noisier in the future.
  • What is the noise in life?
    Answer: The noise in our life means the distractions that do not let us focus on the goals in our life. For example, nowadays people do not concentrate on their studies or work and are often busy scrolling unimportant feeds/updates on their mobile phones.
  • How is the noise level in your city?
    Answer: My city is an industrial city and on top of that, it is on the national highway. So the noise levels are very high.
  • Where does noise in urban areas come from?
    Answer: The noise in urban areas comes from pressure horns of vehicles, industries, and loudspeakers.
  • Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?
    Answer: It is very important to be alone sometimes. Everyone needs to introspect at times, know about one's likes and dislikes, and needs time for one’s personal work which can be best done in solitude.
Title: 21 - Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting
Cue Points
  • - Who is this person
  • - What they inspired you to do
  • - How they inspired you
  • - How you feel
  • A person who inspired me to do something interesting is my cousin's wife Priya.
  • My cousin got married a few years ago and he and Priya moved to Ludhiana about 40 minutes from my hometown.
  • Priya is a computer engineer by profession and works at a software company.
  • Once while I was visiting them she mentioned that she had started to learn Indian classical dance.
  • I knew she was a good dancer as I had seen her dance at her wedding and other family functions before.
  • But Indian classical dance is complex and takes a lot of training.
  • She said she was driving home one day from work and saw the advertisement for a new classical dance academy close to her office.
  • She knew it was her chance to learn something new.
  • It was also convenient as it was on her route so she won't waste time commuting.
  • She said she had been going to Bharatnatyam classes for almost six months.
  • She was one of the top students in her batch and the academy even hired her to start teaching children on weekends.
  • She was so passionate about it and talked about opening her own dancing studio one day.
  • I was truly inspired to see that she managed to keep up with it along with a full-time job.
  • I shared with her my interest in music and how I have always wanted to learn to play guitar.
  • Growing up I was busy with studies and never got the time.
  • And now that I am older I feel it was too late to learn.
  • She told me age is just a number and learning anything new needs consistent practice. If she can learn a new skill at her age so can I.
  • I was so inspired after meeting her. I got myself a guitar and bought a couple of guitar books.
  • I looked up YouTube videos to learn the basics.
  • There were so many resources online for learning guitar and even teachers who taught through zoom.
  • After a few months of learning the basics I found a guitar teacher near my home who could teach me in person.
  • He helped me work with more complex music and I was able to refine my skills.
  • I was amazed by my progress and eventually started playing for family and friends.
  • Now it’s a hobby that I really enjoy. It not only relaxes me but is a good escape from the stress of everyday life.
  • I will be thankful to Priya for inspiring me to pursue my passion.
Follow Up Questions
  • Who motivates children the most?
    Answer: I think at an early age parents and teachers motivate children the most. They are role models and children naturally look up to them. Once they are older children start idolizing movie and sport stars and they can motivate children too.
  • How can teachers motivate children?
    Answer: Teachers can motivate children by encouraging them, recognizing their efforts, setting achievable goals, and allowing them to explore their curiosity and think outside the box.
  • How is it different from teaching kids?
    Answer: Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively and teaching alone won’t improve academic performance. Motivated students are more excited to participate in class and unmotivated students can disrupt the whole class.
  • What should teenagers have?
    Answer: Teenagers want to be accepted and valued by their friends, which can sometimes lead them to risky behavior. If parents are supportive and take the time to communicate with their children, they can influence teens to remain motivated and achieve their goals. Parents need to keep a watch on them and respect their independence.
Title: 22 - Describe a difficult decision that you once made
Cue Points
  • - What the decision was
  • - When you made the decision
  • - How long did it take you to make the decision
  • - And explain why it was a difficult decision to make
  • I think each decision is difficult in its own way because we gain something and lose something when we make any decision.
  • And in today’s world I think making decisions is all the more difficult because of the increasing number of choices.
  • One of the most crucial and difficult decisions of my life was when I had to decide which stream to opt for during my senior secondary education.
  • I made the decision around three years ago after graduating from high school.
  • It took me nearly one month to make the decision.
  • I was confused because I didn’t know what each stream entailed.
  • During childhood I never had a fixed dream job like others.
  • Somedays I wanted to become a doctor then there was a phase I wanted to become an astronaut.
  • There was also a time I wanted to become an actor.
  • Some of my close friends were taking non-medical.
  • So I was also afraid that if I opted for some other stream I would lose my friends.
  • Every person I asked for advice gave me a different perspective.
  • That was also a mistake I made I asked too many people.
  • Now when I ask for advice I only ask a few of my friends and my parents.
  • Ultimately my parents helped me make the decision.
  • They asked me to take a 2 day exam which tested my aptitude for different fields.
  • After the test they told me that I should consider only two things my gut feeling and the results of the test.
  • I should ignore everyone else’s advice and after making the decision I should not regret the decision.
  • Ultimately I opted for commerce and I am really glad that I made that choice.
Follow Up Questions
  • What decisions do people generally make in their daily life?
    Answer: We are always making decisions in our life. People make decisions about small things like what to eat, what to wear, when to do something, and what to watch. Our whole life is nothing but the millions of decisions we take every day.
  • Which is easier making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group discussion?
    Answer: It is definitely easier to make a decision after a group discussion because we have the advantage of knowing different perspectives on the issue. However, I also believe that we should not get influenced by others and listen to our gut feeling when finally making the decision.
  • Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice?
    Answer: I think many young people think that their parent’s thinking might be outdated for today’s time. Also, in general, young people by nature have a problem listening to figures of authority.
  • Why do middle-aged people tend to second guess their decision?
    Answer: I think second guessing has nothing to do with age. We all tend to second guess our decisions when it’s a difficult decision and when we are not confident about the decision. I think the best way to avoid second guessing or rethinking the decision is to limit the choices and discuss it with close friends and family members.

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